Key Points To Remember When Learning About Self Defense

By Kevin Hughes

You just never know when people with malicious intentions are out to get you, so it never hurts to be prepared for any vicious attacks. Violent crimes against innocent and harmless individuals must be taken seriously, and it is your responsibility to protect yourself from such situations in order to avoid becoming a statistic. To ensure that you are always on your guard wherever you may be, look to the points listed below to educate yourself on this important matter.

Your first order of business is to participate in a self defense class to prime you in situations where you might be forced to fight for your life. Make the most out of your intensive martial arts classes Springfield NJ since such lessons are intended to prepare your mind and body for the worst that could happen. Be attentive during class and keep practicing at home.

Being observant is a vital asset that you can exploit for your own protection since people who are highly aware of their senses can sidestep problems even before they occur. This trait can be sharpened by spending time in public places where lots of people are milling about. Soon enough, you could pick up if someone suspicious is stalking you from the side or behind.

Whenever possible, try to run your errands with someone you know and trust to tag along with you. This must be done so you could have the other person act as a lookout and possible witness to prevent muggers or attackers from considering you as a target. Criminals are unlikely to strike if they know that you have someone else with you in a public setting.

Partying in nightclubs is definitely an experience that can bring lots of thrills, but bear in mind that these places are also hotspots for sexual assault. That being said, never accept drinks from strangers and make sure to observe the bartender when he or she prepares your drink order. You just never know when knockout drugs will be secretly sprinkled into your drinks.

In the unfortunate event that your car breaks down in a really shady neighborhood where crime rates are high, call for emergency towing assistance immediately. Stay inside the vehicle and lock your car doors until help arrives. Alternatively, you could choose to contact a friend or relative and have them pick you up from your location at the soonest possible time.

Your first instinct when you realize someone has broken into your house should be to head immediately to the kitchen. Stay calm and refrain from panicking while you grab a big knife for protection and call the authorities to inform them of the break in. Stay right where you are and be prepared to fight if the intruder wanders in and attempts to make a move on you.

When in doubt, always rely on your ingenuity to get yourself out of sticky situations. For example, use a pen in your bag to stab an attacker assaulting you, or perhaps utilizing an empty glass bottle on the ground to smash it on the head of your assailant. There is really no excuse for you to be useless when your life and safety is on the line.

Make it a habit of preparing yourself for any situation that will go south when someone bad comes your way. Take stock of the points outlined in this guide to steer you in the right direction. Be confident with your defense tactics and never be afraid to fight back.

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