Making The Kill While Hunting For Alligators

By Sharon Morris

Once upon a time, there were human beings. These human beings banded together, forming tribes. Now, these tribes would wander around, nomadically, in search of food and water. They found food by tracking and killing animals. Over time, they settled down. They still used those tools to hunt, but they also developed tools in order to grow crops. Throughout the years and despite huge leaps and bounds in the advancement of agriculture, mankind continued to hunt. It no longer needed to, livestock could be grown and slaughtered without the need for a single person to go out into the wild, and crops would go on to prove to be an extremely bountiful source of foodstuffs. But people still kept on doing things like hunting for alligators.

Hunting is a pastime that many people enjoy. People also go hunting in order to get food. Taking down an animal may also be necessary either to cull a population or to kill an animal that presents a threat to the local community.

Alligators are apex predators, which means that they are animals that are on top of their respective food chains. An apex predator has no natural predators, not in its natural habitat. Most of the things that can kill an apex predator are generally a larger specimen of the same species, or an outside species.

Most gator hunters will do so on the water, as such they will use boat. They will also use lines. Hooks will also be employed, as will bait. To make the kill, they will generally carry a firearm.

Baiting a gator is the most important step in hunting. Meat is placed on the hooks. The hooks are attached to the line. The line is then set in water. The idea is that a gator will bite down on the meat and become ensnared by the hook.

Gators move fast in the water. They can also stay underwater for extended periods of time. As such, they can be difficult to track, which is why a trap must be set.

Once a gator takes the bait, a hunter has to pull the line in, pulling the gator up out from the water. Once the head is visible above the water, the next step is to take a single, close range shot to the head to kill it. Ideally, it should only take one bullet, as any additional blemishes will degrade its value, it is for this reason that a shotgun, which fires multiple pellets instead of a single slug, is not recommended despite being ideal for hunting birds and terrestrial animals. Once the thing is dead, it should be hauled up on a boat.

Gators can be sold. They can be eaten. They can also be made into trophies.

Humans can also be called apex predators. As such, some individuals have an instinct to hunt and to kill. Going after animals just means that that bloodlust is directed in a relatively harmless direction.

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