Dietary Considerations For MMA Athletes

By Rod Bourgoine

Becoming a mixed martial arts fighter is a serious commitment. You will spend hours at the gym improving your best skills and learning new techniques, as well as taking strengthening and conditioning classes and including some serious cardiovascular workouts. The actual exercises and fight training are not the only aspects that should be part of your game plan. In addition, you need to be thinking about nutrition and creating a balanced eating plan that keeps you fit, strong and mentally focused.

There is no one perfect diet plan for every MMA fighter, and just as your skill set might be vastly different another fighter, your diet might be as well. One universal rule that fighters should always consider is eliminating unhealthy and heavily processed foods. This means avoiding fast food, junk food and soft drinks across the board. None of these foods will provide you with anything you need to improve your physical stamina or your strength. These products are full of fat, sugar, sodium and other ingredients that can throw your body off balance.

When you are shopping for foods, search for food that is in its original form with nothing added, but if you do buy something packaged, check the ingredient list. If it contains more than three or four ingredients and it contains ingredients that you cannot even pronounce, put it back on the shelf. Many pro fighters have talked about how they have eliminated most processed foods from their diet, and most pay strict attention to what they eat. When it comes to supplements, always research the ingredients before taking anything. Not only are some ingredients banned by fight organizations, some also just not good for you in general.

There is no single diet plan or type that suits every MMA athlete, and you need to choose a plan that is comfortable for you, whether it is going vegan or trying a paleo diet or something else. Several top fighters, such as Frank Mir, are proponents of the paleolithic or caveman diet. Eating this way, you avoid all processed foods as well as most grains, legumes and dairy. Basically you eat a mix of foods that includes nuts, fruits, meat, fish and vegetables. You eat the same types of foods that existed and presumably were eaten when caveman roamed the earth.

While protein is definitely important for fighters, if you want to go vegan or vegetarian like the Diaz brothers, Mac Danzig or Jake Shields, it absolutely can be an option for you. Eating fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, grains, beans, nuts and legumes are all options for those abstaining from meat. Eggs and dairy are protein-rich options for those who are not vegan, but vegans can eat tofu, tempeh, lentils, quinoa, nuts and beans to help them bulk up and stay strong.

There are some fighters that follow very strict diets, eating exactly the same food items each day, particularly just before a fight. You can certainly opt for this type of strict diet or follow a plan such as paleo or veganism, but really the goal should be healthy, clean eating. A balanced mix of foods will provide you with the energy and protein you need to keep your body fit and strong. It is important that you take note of the calories that you are eating, because controlling your weight is important, especially when training for a fight. To help with this, it is wise to consult a nutrition expert and set up a basic plan that is easy to follow and healthy.

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