Why CT Fletcher Does What He Does

By Stuart Reddy

Most people take up weight training for very general reasons, such as personal health or to feel better. However, some take on weight training specifically to look better through bulking up. For those people CT Fletcher has a perspective on how to do it, and to do it specifically so that the person will gain the muscle desired. He does it by looking at it seriously, by respecting the training and by investing in it to such a degree that the training is all there is; by doing so he has won a number of awards as well as success on Youtube.

Weight Trainer CT Fletcher, however, believes that weight training should become the focus of one's life; if you are serious enough to want the muscle you should be serious about the training. This approach has won him a number of awards for his weight lifting as well as some success on Youtube.

Although he was already an accomplished power lifter from the 1980s who had won against some impressive competition, he had fallen out of training. The operation had given him the motivation to get back into training.

Although he is now 54, that fact has actually served to motivate him rather than force him to sit back. He wants to see if he can match now what he used to be able to do, possibly break a few of his old records. Combined with his view of not holding back and his willingness to back what he says have made him popular on Youtube.

His Youtube popularity is founded on his former records and current personality; the "Strongest Man You Have Never Heard Of" makes for some compelling viewing as his necessity to prove himself to himself.

CT Fletcher believes in training and lots of it. He believes that there is no such as over-training, and has caught a certain amount of flack over that belief from a number of Youtube posters. He believes that most people simply do not train enough; they train just enough to get credit for the weight training but not enough to get really buff.

If someone is serious they should be willing to put in the maximum effort for whatever they are serious about; there is no such thing as "minimum effort". If you are actually serious about something you should be all in with no reservation.

Each muscle group has its own exercises attached to it, allowing for some variety in the regimen as well as a fair workout for that group. He points out that a weight trainer should be more worried about quality and not quantity, and that the number of reps of any exercise is less important than the energy the person puts into it.

He looks to drill instructors as his model. It is not so important how many push-ups as that the trainees are kept motivated to do well succeed. CT Fletcher demonstrates that motivation is all takes, as well as the willpower to follow that motivation. By combining the two a person can accomplish anything, and the CT Fletcher Wiki is a testament to that.

His Youtube channed is devoted to helping others become everything that they can be. His Fitness Project channel has made waves among those following fitness trends. As he does not focus on the acrobatics and calisthenics in most popular classes, but rather an all-around fitness that helps someone reach their fitness goals. By stating goals and then focusing on those goals, a person can accomplish those goals if they are serious enough about it.

CT Fletcher has the experience and physique to back what he says. In his videos he is uncompromising about his goals and is willing to do almost anything in order to make sure that his personal goals happen. As a coach helping others to get to where he is, he is one of the most motivating coaches out there.

If someone is serious about weight training, there are few people more able to motivate trainers and keep them motivated. CT Fletcher will, if nothing else, at least keep the trip to better health interesting.

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