Better Understanding With Chronological Bible

By Eliza Mendoza

There are different ways of completing biblical study. To fully understand Christianity, it is necessary to find clarity on all events and how they happened in an orderly manner. The chronological bible makes it possible to follow the story of creation as narrated in the Old Testament, the history of prophets and other biblical characters and the tale of salvation just as it happened.

Other options of reading the scripture include from the first book of genesis to the end, historically and reading the new and the old testaments separately. When reading historically, you will begin with the book that was written the earliest and finish with the last to be written. These kinds of reading present a different reality and experience and make it easier to understand the message.

Each publisher has offered a different version even if the order is the same. In no specific order of priority, the common ones are King James, Good News, New Standard Version and New International Version. There are other editions available in multiple languages. This has made the scripture accessible to larger populations. The presentation and language make it easier to understand for the target population.

Reading the books in order of events has seen some of the books split into phases depending on events. Most of these dates are approximated with the assistance of historians. An example is where the events in the book of Samuel are interjected by the writing of Psalms. Chronicles, Samuel and Kings are said to have been written in the same year. That means that a person following this order will be required to jump from one book to the other.

The web presents an excellent forum where you can access these books in order. You will avoid the flipping of pages that would characterize reading a real book written on paper. The order is as a result of extensive historical and theological study by reliable biblical experts. They have combined historical texts on time and found the parallels that exist in the events as documented in the bible.

In order to cover the entire biblical chronology fully, a reader is required to device a reading plan. The plan allows you to complete the old and the new testaments within a specified period of time. This could be one year, two years and even three years. You can log in your reading through the system to ensure that you do not skip any book or chapter.

There are paper back books that have arranged all the writings of the bible in a chronological order. They are available in online stores and contain details about every chapter and verse of the new and old testaments. Others have included the apocalypse books as part of the collection. The prices for these ordered bibles depend on the publisher and shipping details.

Reading a chronological Bible makes it easier to understand the story of creation and salvation of mankind. It presents all the events just as they happened in one continuous narrative. Some authors have included comments to help you understand the context and therefore be in a position to understand the message.

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