3 Simple Steps To Improve Your Round

By Merv Carlson

There are a whole host of things that you can do to reduce your scores and improve your performance on the golf course. In this article I am going to suggest three simple ideas, which if you put into action will help you on your way to better golf.

Step 1 - Prepare Everything Needed Before Going To The Golf Course

Make sure you arrive at the golf course with all the things needed. Check all the equipment carefully before you go.

Arriving at the course forgetting some equipment at home can make you a little bit worried and nervous, which is not good for playing golf. To make sure you always bring enough equipment in the future, you should have a check of your equipment. Start the process by taking everything out of your golf bag then check every equipment to see if they're really helpful. Don't hesitate to throw away things which should not be there.

Learn how to organize things in your bag to keep your bag neat. There are pockets on your golf bag. Take advantages of these bags to store your small equipment such as the tees. It's always easy to access things stored in the pockets. Beside the tees, the wet weather gear can also be put into the main pocket. Wet weather gear stored neatly into the main pocket, if you play regularly in wet conditions make sure you have a plastic where you can keep your gloves. If you have the habit of playing golf early in the morning, make sure you load things up into your car the night before. By doing so, trust me, you have a better sleep because you no longer have to worried about waking up early and packing things.

Step 2 - Use The Same Golf Ball (Make and model)

From my experience, playing the same golf ball bring golf players lots of benefits.

Your short game, especially your putting will be improved. You may be wondering why you will benefit from such a simple change and the reason is that you will get the same results from the same swings with the same ball. A softer ball for example will spin more and not travel as far as a harder ball. So if you are constantly changing your ball type then you are ultimately changing the consistency of your game.

Step 3 - Remember To Drink More

Amateur golfers usually drink when they feel thirsty. Experienced players don't do so. They keep the habit of drinking little each time, but drink regularly. By doing this, their body has enough water to keep their mind conscious, thus improve their performance on the course.

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