Bear Hunting Techniques Ontario For Dummies

By Pamela Clark

Bear hunting is one of the most dangerous activities that hunters might ever participate in. Bears are generally known to be very fierce and strong. If one would want to catch bears, then he has to take note of some good bear hunting techniques ontario.

The first thing to remember when facing bears would be to never engage in a head on battle. Sure, one may have a gun or a big rifle, but there are times when even a gun will be rendered ineffective. When dealing with bears, do not face them directly, but try to trap them from a safe hiding place.

Now, one thing that hunters must always remember about bears is that they are very tight knitted with their family. So, if one of their family members were to be in danger, they would come running in a split second. Hunters would often impersonate the sounds of bears by doing bear calls like danger calls or some other type of call to bring their target forward.

Another very effective technique to bring out these animals would be to use food as bait. Now, bears are known to enjoy berries and fruits but fresh meat is what can really drive them crazy. If one would want to trap them in one place, then he should bring along a fresh piece of meat with him.

One other method to catch bears would be to use special traps that are designed to catch bears. Guns will not always work as bears are very tough and agile so one might miss his shot. So, an alternative to using a gun would be to use a trap so that catching the target will be made much easier.

Now, in case one loses his weapon and his target is the one who has the upper hand, then he already has to plan his escape. Now, bears can outrun people easily so the best way to go about would be to fool the animal. One way to do so is to play dead on the ground and just wait for the animal to go away.

Another way to chase the animal away would be to bears away would be flashlights to scare them away. Bears are actually scared of lights and sudden movements. In order for one to escape, he can use the flashlight to scare it away by flashing it right in the eyes of the bear and shocking it long enough to run away and find a hiding spot.

For those who want to take up the challenge of catching a bear, here are some effective techniques that can help. Always remember that the forest is the home of the target. If one does not want to be turned into the target, he must study his target. Know the enemy and it is possible to win against this opponent that is bigger, tougher, and faster.

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