Several Tips For Guided Trophy Deer Hunts

By Larry Hall

Deer are mammals that have antlers which they grow and shed each year unlike antelopes which have permanent horns. They appear in artworks starting from cave paintings to modern ones and are given important roles in literature, religion and mythology. Economic wise, their importance is with their antlers used for knife handles, buckskin and meat called venison.

Hunting them is a popular sport since the Middle Ages at least and still remains popular and also an essential business today. You can go to some guided trophy deer hunts Texas where an experienced hunter will help you get your first kill. The following are various tips which might help your hunt become successful in your first season.

Deer could smell well and they get spooked by human odor so use a soap that has no scent when you shower before going hunting and do not contaminate your clothes. Have them sealed in plastic containers or in bags that have ground debris such as leaves and dirt inside until the location is reached. If this is done, your clothing would take on natural occurring scents from that place.

Most hunters think the best way to attract bucks is with doe estrous though not every situation will be suitable for its use. Deerstalkers must take advantage of the territorial instructions these stags have when the season is still early. Smelling an estrous will not make sense at this time though the smell that others have would peak their curiosity.

Majority of hunters would spray down the odor eliminator after they had suit up but before they make their way to the stand. Experienced deerstalkers would bring the odor eliminator though to the tree stand then will spray themselves with it there. While applying it on yourself, pay more attention to your hair as well as hat because most people will not include them.

Setting up scents have usually used and accepted the rules of playing the wind but the deadliest one defies this. Find a timber or cover with its length having the wind blowing along it and pour some deer odor at windy end in several areas. Set your tree stand just on the timber edge and your human smell will flow above the deer when properly done.

Practice with setting up your tree stand and taking it down before the season starts and do this in the low parts of trees. The key to get a look at good bucks is getting in and out of your spot very quietly as much as you could. Accidents while up there so remember to wear safety harness on your body to avoid falling down from the tree.

If you want to scout your hunting area, aerial photos are your best aids which does not require flying over it but just going into Google maps. Do not trim shooting lanes or disturb your hunting area during the season. This should be done during summer because old deer can associate the smell of fresh cuts with human predation.

These several tips could help you well on your first hunting experience. Follow instructions that the guide will give you. And be patient when waiting to get your kill.

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