MMA Fouls: What You Can't Do During A Bout

By Rod Bourgoine

While many people might think that anything goes during an MMA fight, this is simply not the case. In fact, there are many rules for all sanctioned fights, and there are quite a few fouls that a fighter can commit. If you are charged with any foul, the referee can deduct points from your score, or this can end the fight and not in your favor.

When a fighter is charged with a foul, several things can happen. Sometimes a referee will simply take away a single point, but if the referee deems the foul to be more severe, the perpetrator might lose two or more points. If the foul renders your opponent unable to continue with the bout, then the fight will end but not in your favor. The referee will rule whether the foul was intentional or unintentional. If it was unintentional, then the bout is declared a no contest. If the referee thinks you committed the foul intentionally, then you are disqualified.

In some cases, a fighter might seem to shake off a foul and continue to fight but then later on is unable to continue. If the fight ends minutes or rounds later because of the foul, then the bout is considered either a technical draw or a win by technical decision. If, at the time the bout was stopped, your opponent had an advantage in scoring, then the opponent wins by technical decision. If your opponent had equal or fewer points, then the fight ends with a technical draw. So maybe your opponent seems to be able to continue, but later finds that that he or she is unable to fight because of an injury from the foul, then this would cause a technical draw or a technical decision. The end result, either way, is that the person, who inflicted the foul, doesn't get a win.

There are more than 25 fouls that can be committed, and these all should be avoided unless you actually want to lose a fight. In addition, it really should never be your goal to harm the other fighter. Obviously injuries occur, it's a tough sport, but that should never be your intention. Sometimes even if you get lucky and commit a foul without being called out for it, this can damage your career.

If you don't believe it, consider the UFC bout between Renato Sobral and David Heath. Heath tapped out when he was trapped in a chokehold by Sobral, and this should have just ended the fight with Sobral taking the victory. Sobral, who later said he felt disrespected by Heath, continued to choke him until he passed out. Not only is wrong to ignore a tap out, the referee repeatedly told Sobral to let go, and flagrant disobedience to a referee instruction is a clear foul. While the foul was never called and Sobral was declared the winner, he was viciously booed by the fans and fired by the UFC for this move which Dana White called, "absolutely unacceptable."

Disregarding referee instructions is just one of the fouls you want to avoid, as it is always best to try to win on your merits. All MMA fighters need to be well-acquainted with the rules in order to avoid breaking the rules. Other fouls that have been put in place include banning hits to the groin and kidneys, as well as prohibiting fish-hooking, eye-gouging, kicking or kneeing a grounded opponent in the head, and even profanity can cause a referee to issue a foul.

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