If You Want To Build Lean Muscle, You Need To Start Deadlifting And Squatting Immediately

By Arnold Sylvester

For many people out there, the toughest aspect of learning how to build muscle is discovering that they can progress incredibly far by simply learning the basic principles of lifting weights. For example, learning how to deadlift and squat correctly is such a vital step.

But very few individuals actually do this.

Instead, they often jump from supplement to supplement, looking for an instant quick fix training program which promises to get them big and shredded overnight.

That's why those same individuals often waste their first two years of training before finally realizing that there is no quick fix.

You can begin on the right track by perfecting your lifting technique on your compound moves. These big lifts will give you more benefits and hypertrophy than any quick fix workout dvd or post workout nutritional supplement.

Multiple joint exercises are the key to building quality size and strength. They are the foundation of any solid training routine and should be perfected as early in your lifting 'life' as possible. Due to the higher release of natural growth hormone and testosterone, they allow you to pack on more size in less time.

Too many people who are striving to build a lean, ripped physique waste far too much time performing long, slow cardio routines and small isolation moves like dumbbell flyes then they wonder why they haven't seen significant results despite training for six months...

The latest science clearly shows that shorter, more intense bouts of cardiovascular exercise are far superior for fat burning. So there's the first thing you should be looking to change in your program to make it more effective.

Studies also show significant improvements in muscle mass were made when subjects performed primarily compound exercises. These multi-joint moves include the military press, barbell squat, bench press and deadlift to name just a few.

Try moving away from the common mistakes of avoiding leg day and back day. These are your two biggest muscle groups and are therefore the ones which can produce the most results for you. The increased release of growth hormone from hitting these muscles very hard will produce some great results for you.

While teaching how to build muscle is a job which is often over complicated by those looking to make money from people who don't know what to look for, the truth is you can get very far indeed by just sticking with the basic facts. These are proven, with years of scientific data to back them up. No miracle quick fix product can make that claim.

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