What Do You Know The Crappie Fishing?

By Aldrin Ricafort

All good fishermen know where to find great fishing spots for catching crappie.However it is easy to make a mistake, regardless of how good a fisherman you are or how experienced you are at fishing for crappie. Even if you will see that fishing is not that easy, different crappie fishing techniques should be remembered at any time. Even pros sometimes forget them.You need to follow some guidelines to ensure you can find great crappie fishing holes.

The number one crappie fishing tip is to use a live minnow by far. I use a # 6 gold hook and a slip bobber for the depth control. I use a small drop shot weight just above the minnow to keep the minnow from swimming up. I prefer to hook a minnow behind the dorsal fin to present a natural swimming position. If you prefer jig fishing it can also be tipped with a minnow.

For the remainder of the year you will find them sheltering around sunken logs, the mouths of feeder stream, around stumps, the edges of weed beds and other basic locations where they can hide while waiting for a meal. So the key to finding good concentrations of crappie is to locate such places and fish around them.

If the water is slightly cloudy or muddy, I like to use a combination of light and dark jigs. For example, a two toned lure with a glow orange head and black or brown body works well for me. Sometimes I also add some sounds of my lure with a spinner blade. Do not go too loud with the sound as crappie are spooky. It has something to do with not being on top of the food chain!

If the lake is a deep weed edge, I will sometimes start trolling up against the edge of the weeds. If the crappie are not there, or they quit biting after a period of time they may have possibly moved out into open water. You can then find them suspended in the deeper water. Usually they will suspend at the same level they were at the edge of the weeds or maybe a few feet deeper. Once you find them you can mark their location with your fish finder and then use a controlled drift over them with your bait or jig presented just above the level where they are suspended. You can use current or wind for the drift but it is best to use a trolling motor as that gives you the best control of the boat speed. Of course you can anchor and cast to them but be careful not to anchor over top of them and spook them.

Crappies often suspend over different types of structure, but will usually be found at the same depth. This is frequently the situation in summer. A favorite spot is downed or standing trees in the lake. The crappie will hide around the trunk of the tree or its branches to stay out of the sun and to ambush bait fish. A lone tree await from other trees is a great place to find crappie.

Night fishing can be a lot easier in such locations. Fishing two days before full moons is perfect during this time. This day is a lot better for catching crappie. You surely have to understand the simple fact that there is a need for a good eye to find crappie locations. Good news can be mentioned as you will really find everything easily after you fish some times.

If you follow this advice you will find catching these tasty fish is not difficult. You just have to change tactics within and outside the spawning habits. I hope you take the time to try crappie fishing on your favorite lake or pond the year around.

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