Register For Lessons At One Of The Horse Riding Academies Stockton Ca Is Known For

By Tanisha Berg

It is easy to admire the beauty of this wonderful animal. He is strong and proud. You can learn to ride skillfully when you sign up for a summer camp session offered by one of the horse riding academies stockton ca has to offer.

Usually the first experience with these fine animals is going on a one-hour trail ride for pleasure. There are many other ways to ride and make it a hobby in your life. Feeding, grooming and even approaching the animal are all done in specific ways.

You can learn all this and more at one of the academies in the area. Brushing the horse, saddling and bridling him before riding are all skills to learn. Keep all dust and dirt from his back to avoid saddle sores.

Groom and saddle before you exchange the halter for the bridle. When you approach a horse from behind him, make some sound to let him know you are there. It avoids startling him.

After the saddle blanket is on, the saddle pad goes on over that. It is shaped like a saddle and is of some quilted or padded material to make the saddle fit comfortably. The saddle is set on top of the pad.

There is a cinch strap that goes under the belly and attaches to the left side of the saddle. It should be tightened until snug, but not too tight. You should be able to slip two fingers between the cinch strap and the horses belly.

Then you will adjust the length of the stirrups. They must be short enough to allow you to stand in them and support your weight above the saddle seat. Before mounting, check the cinch strap a final time.

Now it is time to put on the bridle. Put the bit in his mouth and slip the straps behind the ears. After removing the halter, you are ready to mount the horse.

It is likely the instructor will give the lessen in a fenced-in area. To mount, always approach your horse from the left side. Standing on that side put one foot in the stirrup. Then placing your weight on your left leg, lift yourself into the saddle. Put your right foot in the right stirrup and you are positioned to ride.

Riding Western style, you hold both reins in the left hand. Nudge the horse with your heels and loosen the reins to signal him to go. Pulling back on them will signal him to stop.

You may take a private lessons with an instructor or be part of a small group of riders. You will be taught how to dismount. You will practice taking the reins over the head and tying them to a hitching post. Always use the slip knot the instructor will teach you.

When your first lesson ends you will realize how much there is to learn about horses and riding. Unsaddling the horse and exchanging the bridle for the halter concludes the lesson. You may take time to pet and talk to your mount before leaving.

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