Easy To Follow Salmon Fishing Guide

By Jocelyn Davidson

If you have been invited to go fishing by a friend but you have no idea how to fish, your fish response might be to immediately decline. But although fishing can be complicated and even sometimes dangerous, it is still one hobby that not only entertains but feeds you as well. You might want to rethink that answer and go ahead try your luck at this sports.

But fishing is not an easy hobby, and can especially be trying particularly to your patience. You have to stay at one place for quite some time until that unsuspecting victim takes the bait. But you may not be lucky and go home empty handed. But do not worry. You can go on a Michigan salmon fishing trip feeling like a pro with these easy to follow guide.

There are multiple varieties for this fish that can be caught in the Lake Michigan. You have the big ones aptly called King Salmon. Or maybe the pink favorite, well, pink salmon. Knowing how to catch them requires simple basics. One of them is knowing what to bait. They commonly feed on shrimps and krill, but if those are not handy, you can get alternatives at the local shop for anglers. They have a lot to offer, make sure to ask which one would be the best for your trip.

Aside from baits, lures are one things that also entices the fish. There are a great deal of types, ranging from the ones that move and vibrate to the ones that flashes. If you are on a budget, you can opt for color to attract your prey. They tend to go after colorful things, so do not be afraid to use bright ones. Try red, orange, or green. And make sure they are bright.

Baits, of course, are important part of the activity. Aside from color, baits makes your lure more enticing. Your local fishing store can stock you with different baits for different fish. For salmon, you can try getting sand shrimp or salmon roe.

Speaking of bait, you need not be told not to forget the bait. This type of fish normally feeds on shrimp and krill, you can try and stock on those. Or if they are not at hand, you can buy sand shrimps or salmon roe at your local store for anglers.

You can also try a heavier lure. Salmons are known to swim and stay at the bottom of the water. Your colorful lures and all the baits in the world would not matter if the one you are catching cannot see it. Just use weight enough to have your line stay underwater, not sink it there.

Of course, do not forget to put weight on the line. This makes your lure stationary so that they are easier to spot and catch. This would also make your lure go down deep where salmons normally are.

These tricks are easy to remember and to follow. The next time you go on this trip, try them. And bring home that salmon for family dinner.

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