Simple Ways To Ensure Aspiration Pneumonia Prevention

By Joanna Walsh

Pneumonia is a disease state in which lung epithelium is inflamed. It is one of the most common illnesses observed in young children as compared to adults. There are various forms of this kind of illness but aspiration form accounts for many preventable cases observed. For this reason, there is a dire need to device ways and means of aspiration pneumonia prevention.

All persons are at risk as long as they feed or breathe. These two activities are inevitable for life to exist yet they are responsible for causing aspiration. Aspired substances usually originate from the oral cavity which is full of bacteria. These bacteria could be very virulent and or pathogenic when exposed to some other body parts. Bacteria may be aspirated together with food, oral saliva or even drinks.

Although all persons are at risk, others are more predisposed than others because of their health state. Because of this, there is dire need for due diligence in preventing any possible aspiration. Patients in coma, delirium, convulsive disorder or those fed using tubes are but a few examples of predisposed persons.

Tube feeding is one activity that is known to cause this disease. Several feeding guidelines must be adhered to so as to ensure success. For instance, a tube should be inserted by a professional and a confirmatory imaging done to ensure well positioning before use. Even so, periodic checks should be performed and vigilant observations carried out during such a procedure. Better still, correct feeds and feeding guidelines must be observed to avoid wrong and erroneous feeding practices.

Patients with altered state of mind are equally predisposed and therefore require precautionary measures to prevent aspirating food as well as airway secretions. Positioning is one good way of achieving this objective. Head of bed should be elevated at an angle of 45 degrees and the patient be placed on left lateral position. This limits flow back of stomach content and encourages free drainage of oral secretions.

Critically ill patients are absolutely unaware of their environment and therefore fully dependent on health service professionals. When such patients are on tracheal tubes then risk of aspirating substances is further raised. A persistent low cuff pressure has been shown to worsen the chances of micro. If sustained for longer duration, lung infection sets in and results to pneumonia. Critically ill clients with no airway tube require frequent airway clearance through periodic suctioning as need may be.

Proper oral care is necessary in preventing aspiration pneumonia among long term care patients. For such patients, this aspect of care may be forgotten till halitosis sets in. Early and timely recognition of such deviation is therefore necessary. Such an occurrence increases number of bacteria in mouth and raises an overall possibility of causing infection in case mouth content finds its way into the airway.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Cure options have more reaching social, psychological and economic impacts as compared to preventive measures. All persons deserve good health and must therefore be well handled to prevent further degeneration of their health states.

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