Jesus Christ Came To Eliminate Sins Including The Homosexual Way Of Life Of CNN Host Anderson Cooper

By Timothy Pename

CNN Host Anderson Cooper is a homosexual. He has actually been gay publicly in his home town within New York city for many years but only more recently has made it well known in the media. The truth that different high level characters are likewise coming out, permits him to interview them, their ideas and feelings in a very sympathetic approach.

I handle an internet site that outlines how a plain guy, an average joe, like me makes money through the web. That is me, that is my major interest and is exactly what I do. However I felt compelled to give my two cents regarding this new morality.

I want to rip right through all the assertions and the controversies. I should pose a concern or related questions. Is the holy bible a work that has stood the test of time as a result of its poetical writing? On the other hand, is the bible indeed the word of God? Is the Bible or is it not, God's discussion with people? His instructions over the course of time? His characteristics written on paper in print and text form?

I believe the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the God that the bible speaks of, to be the one true God. I believe that he sent his son Jesus Christ to rescue each and every person who chooses to repent of their wrongdoing according to his laws and statutes. This stands whether a particular person decides to go along with that or not. We do not as a matter of fact develop our own truth.

Nevertheless I should state that this opinion that I've just shared is under fire and regarded as marginalized and narrow minded. It does not have integrity in the mainstream because of an absence of proof.

To my point of view, the sharpest and the savviest challengers and disparagers of Christianity are those that go right for the root of the tree, for the jugular vein. Muslims are a classic example concerning this. They strongly assert that the bible in fact is not the word of God, was not inspired, is not infallible however in fact is a book loaded with mistakes and inconsistencies.

Nevertheless, a good research of the bible shows that over the course of thousands of years, forecast after forecast reported within this book came true, came to pass, occurred. And they have actually consistently happened with unusual unmistakability and accuracy. Is this insufficient proof? There is even more, but I won't belabor it at this point.

If there is no God and the bible is only a fabrication, then we may better live it up, do what we want to and as we feel is right. Nevertheless, if the Bible is Gods word to people, then all those who sin against him by any means and decline to acknowledge his rule in their life, are in for trouble ahead!

If a particular person acknowledges their wrong and makes a life modification and acknowledges Jesus Christ as the only gate to God, the only one who can eliminate their previous sin, they are then on the proper path.

However how is a woman or man to know the peculiarities of exactly what this God deems right and wrong, except for this work, the bible that he provided via inspiration from the various writers that make up this book.

People who steal, lie, fornicate, disrespect their parents are examples of sin. I would not know this if I had not gone to this book and afterwards believed it to be the word of God to me and to a multitude of others.

Fornication in the word of God, and adultery falls under this heading, is a sin against God. He punishes it! But when a nation slumps even further in its lasciviousness, same sex relationships show up.

The bible states that men with men or women with women is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. You cannot soft shoe around this! You cannot label the remark a critical, unloving spirit! It is the opinion of God! Who are you to dare to elevate your thinking, your intelligence, your thoughts and opinions above that of God?

I discussed earlier that I make money, make a more than adequate amount to live on, online. If I sin against God, it transfers a curse on me, God retreats and the devil fills the void God left. Eventually things will begin to crumble in my life, in my online venture, in my personal life because I do not have Gods defense on me. However if I turn away from my sin and wrongdoing and change my ways, he is faithful to forgive me and clean me and when I require help with my online business or in various other parts of my life, he is readily available and willing to help me. I desire and require his aid, so I endeavor to live the right way. Then, anytime I petition him, talk to him, pray to him, he hears me and looks after me.

CNN Host Anderson Cooper does an outstanding task with AC360 but as smart as he is, he is in gross wrongdoing against the God of heaven. He does not have the defense of God on his life. He is setting and has actually been setting himself up to flounder. He has actually taken the chance to parade his way of living proudly against the God who created him.

There are many who know the truth however dare to thumb their nose in the face of God. However, the vast majority just lack understanding of God and his word. We have had a starvation, a drought in this country. A starvation or a dry spell concerning the understanding of who God is. The bible says that "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge", knowledge of his word.

I have actually started to pray for Anderson, that he would change. If he does not make a change, he will not acquire eternal life, will not have his name written in the lambs book of life, and he will go to hell. Exact same, actually, for anyone of us that sin in any way and decline to repent.

Sodomy, the homosexual way of life and lesbianism, the gay life, is a grave sin against the God of heaven.

Woe to the churches and the priests and pastors that say it is ok in the name of love and acceptance and tolerance.

Religious beliefs of the past and present say, you produce your own reality then afterwards try to obtain your God to accept it, bless it and be cool with it.

The God of the bible says, I'm in charge here, regardless if you believe in me or not. I make all the calls and you line up with me, not me with you!

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