Wrestling & Drawing The Parallels To Obstacle Event Racing

By Rob Sutter

An obstacle event is highly competitive and not many people are going to deny this. Simply put, it's the kind of test that only those with enough nerve are going to make the most out of. This is interesting, to me, especially after watching wrestling - as I usually do - only a few nights ago. It made me wonder if there were particular elements of the race in question which can then be correlated to certain competitors in the ring. To say the least, I found results.

I don't think that the many aspects of an obstacle event can be underestimated, especially intensity. In fact, you may just see how well it comes into play when competitions the likes of Spartan Race start to unfold. You will find that many wrestlers will possess this quality but I think that Daniel Bryan has been able to hone this aspect better than anyone else. From his quick movements to his hard-hitting shots, I think that ferocity is present in some of the greatest amounts you can imagine.

I think that working as a team is an idea that you can attribute to a good number of races. While wrestling is usually about someone looking out for their best interests, there are those who will work with teams, whether they're coming up through the ranks or are grizzled veterans. To varying degrees, the latter seems to fit Christian and Kofi Kingston well. They've been around for separate amounts of years and I think that their experience should be placed in high regard.

What about athleticism, which may be a bit downplayed but still stands as an important factor to consider? It's clear that all of the wrestlers I enjoy can move very well but it seems like DolphZiggler puts forth more of an effort than others in this regard. When he is hit with moves, it looks as though he has been struck with a massive rocket. He treats every move as if it is the death of him, which only helps to make individuals more invested in the bouts he is in.

An obstacle event is going to entail many features, though each of them are most likely going to vary in terms of importance. This will depend mostly on the kind of racer that you are as well. After consideration, doesn't it seem like these ideas can be drawn to wrestlers, depending on their levels of experience and ways of working in the ring? I'm sure that there are others which can be made and I think that it'd be interesting to find them all.

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