Learning Better Pronunciation In English

By Angela Briggs

The first thing to emphasize when discussing better pronunciation in English is that it is not about getting rid of accents. You can still discuss something in a formal setting with a regional accent. However you do need to be sure that what you are saying can be clearly understood.

One example of this is when dealing with automatic telephone menus. Unfortunately sometimes these programs cannot recognize when someone is speaking with an accent. This can mean that certain words get misunderstood and this can result in a lot of unnecessary delays.

This is why it can help to learn how to pronounce words more clearly. In more formal scenarios such as giving a speech or a job interview this can also be important. You could be telling a very funny joke or giving the most intelligent interview answer but if the person listening cannot understand it then they will not understand or get the punchline.

In broad terms people tend to regard American or British pronunciation styles as the clearest. The main difference is in the rs and ts pronounced after a vowel or the amount of vowels used. The British style of pronunciation tends to use the largest range of vowel sounds. It is best to focus on one or the other in order to maintain consistency.

Broadly speaking the way you pronounce consonants in American and British styles of speech are pretty much the same. The main difference is that an r or a t will be pronounced differently after a vowel is spoken and the British style tends to use a larger range of vowel sounds.

Watching videos can also help as well. The additional benefit with this is that you can pause and rewind. This then means you can watch this over and over again. Eventually you will be able to mentally picture someone saying the word and then be able to replicate it without having to think about it too much as you learn almost on a subconscious level as opposed to trying to cram the information in as much as possible.

However formal teaching methods can help as well. Going to a class is often useful as well because you are going with other people. Working together with others is often useful because you can all help each other. The combination of formal and informal methods can often provide the best long term results as you get the benefits of a formal class and you learning through your own interests.

You may also want to consider an English language course if you want to learn better pronunciation in English. Having someone who knows the theory behind how words are pronounced will make it easier for you to learn from them. Look online for courses and more tips to help you develop your pronunciation skills as well as help from other students.

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