"Coyote Doggin'"

By Roy G Sowers

I moved to Wyoming in July of 1999. Much to my dismay, because of residency requirements, I could not hunt big game for a year, without paying the outrageously expensive non residency fee. One of my friends suggested I hunt coyotes.

"You get to where you can consistently kill coyotes, and you'll find yourself a better hunter, " he said.

"They are the hardest animals to hunt, " he added.

The concept appealed to me. I visited a sporting products shop and purchased a coyote call. There was a breeder alongside my home, who informed me he had some coyotes he would like to have thinned out. I informed him I would like to give it a shot.

"Have at it," he said.

I drove out to his cattle ranch and found a likely looking area to call. I had no idea the best ways to hunt coyotes, but I was determined to give it a shot.

I got into place and waited a couple of minutes, like it stated on the instructions of the call. I put the call to my mouth and blew out a series of squealing rabbit calls. As soon as I blew the call, I noticed some movement in front of me. I didn't figure it was anything, however soon discovered a coyote was coming straight at me.

I had five shells in my gun. Those shells were quickly expended. I watched the coyote run off.

I called the rest of the day and for several weeks after that before I got another coyote to come in. By this time I was hooked. I hunted coyotes for at least twenty to twenty-five days a month for the next twelve years.

I wanted to profit from the very best hunters, so I got some coyote hunting videos. One of those hunters, was a guy by the name of Merv Griswald. He resided in Gillette, Wy. I called him and informed him I wanted to find out the best ways to hunt coyotes from him. I hunted with Merv. He instructed me how to find a good area to call from, and taught me ways to blow the call.

When we came back in from hunting, I saw Merv had some dogs around this place. I asked what he utilized the dogs for. "Coyotes," he replied. This truly got my attention. Merve informed me how coyotes are extremely protective of their pups. Throughout the time the pups are with their parents, coyotes will try to run off or kill dogs that risk their pups.

I continued to hunt coyotes for 2 years after that hunt with Merv. Then I chose to get a dog for coyote hunting. I located a guy that was a government trapper. He was paid to hunt coyotes, (talk about a dream job), and this man used dogs to hunt coyotes in the spring and summertime. He told me he had a litter of pups from his 2 best dogs. I bought a pup from him for $150.00. I called him, "Dodger." He was half red-bone and half mountain cur.

When he was about 5 months old, I began training him. I would get fresh coyote hide and play with him. I would let him chew and pull on the hide. He rapidly learned we were after coyotes. He had to do with six months old when I took him hunting for the first time. I had discovered a den and I knew we would get some action. I turned Dodger out, and in no time at all, I heard a shrill bark and some yelping. Dodger was doing his best to get back to me. He ran into a fence and the coyote virtually got him. But at the last moment, Dodger made it through the fence and added to me. The coyote was right behind him: I shot the coyote at the range of about 25 yards.

From then on I would take Dodger with me when I 'd go coyote hunting. He learned fast and by the end of the summertime, he would bring coyotes in to me. He learned to stay close. And he understood that I would take care of the coyotes if he could get them to me.

It is remarkable exactly what dogs will make coyotes do, when they have pups. I was hunting coyotes with my son. Dodger can be found in and ran between me and my son. The coyotes were right behind him. One of the coyotes really ran into my leg. He was so bent on getting Dodger, he never ever observed me.

I hunted Dodger for numerous years. He was among the very best coyote dogs I ever hunted with. I gave Dodger to a government trapper who hunted on the Wind River Indian Reservation. The government trapper told me that he was the best dog he had utilized before. As far as I know, Dodger is still bringing in coyotes.

If you hunt coyotes with dogs, you will remember the experience. The coyotes will come in so close, it will surprise you.

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