Platforming Game Training: Could Obstacle Course Races Be Used?

By Rob Sutter

Picture a landscape where you have a lot of room to move about it but throw in gaps to jump over as well as tall heights that have to be climbed. Obstacle course races feature these characteristics and then some, allowing you to go about activities that are high in intensity. It seems like this great level of action can be seen in certain video games. In terms of jumping, climbing, and things of that nature, I believe that platforming games can be told about.

"Sonic the Hedgehog" was as fast a game as you could find back in the 90's and I don't think anyone could dispute that. He can jump and avoid hazards with the best of them but it's clear that his defining trait was his speed. Even Mario on his best day could not exactly match up to Sonic on his worst at that period of time. While Sonic is easily one of the quicker video game characters in history, I'd be lying if I said that he isn't somewhat older than most.

For those who are seeking an example that is modern compared to Sonic, one such name is Faith, the heroine from "Mirror's Edge." As the lead character you take control of, you will find that not only is her ability to combat foes top notch but she shows no fear when traveling upon the tops of buildings. This is due in part to her level of skill in parkour, utilizing athletic moves such as jumps and flips. Other characters can fit in well with Faith, the main assassins from the "Assassin's Creed" series among them.

Obstacle course races may not be heavily featured in today's gaming scene but I think a number of titles may see popularity. Look to the "Madden" series, for example; it has been very successful in the past since many people enjoy the gameplay. It's familiar to players and whether or not the tired formula could use a revamp hinges on the people you ask. Regardless, games featuring these races could be made and events the likes of Spartan Race can stand to be utilized as well.

How much complexity would the developers put into these games, though? I think that all depends on the level of work that they want to incorporate. I think that it goes without saying that obstacle course races are varied and it may prove to be a challenge to find each game that these events fall under and incorporate them in a way that is enjoyable to the player. However, with the success of sports games ever since gaming began, the work may prove to be worth the reward.

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