Just Try To Get A Vintage Mini Serviced In Grande Cache

By Steven U. Juba

The creation of the Austin Mini has been one of the remarkable milestones noted in the entire automotive world. Its mere presence has been everywhere all through out the mid 20th century in England and in other parts of the globe, eventually ended up as an icon of the 60's. The production of this diminutive model become unstoppable ever since it was introduced. It was just in 2000 that the production was halted and run by another company.

The history of the Austin Minibegun in August 26, 1959 by the British Motor Corporation (BMC), the making of this car model was the company's proposed solution to fuel rationing brought about by the Suez crisis. At first, car enthusiasts are ambivalent of the Mini's small car size and radical features, but as soon as they realized that it's not just a car, Austin Mini become a part of life and beyond. The Austin Mini soon established its brand name and had set some influence not only in the automotive world but in the fashion arena as well. There have been rumors that the 60's fashion mini skirt was inspired by this small car icon. The original car design was drafted by Sir Alec Issigonis. Despite of its small size, the maker was certain that the interior space would not be compromised and enough would be allotted to 4 adult passengers and luggage. In order to maximize the space to accommodate passengers, he had employed a front-wheel drive and a transverse engine; the use of the small 10 inch wheels and the compact suspension are also two of the space saving trick Sir Alec had implemented.

Originally, the car was sold under BMC's Austin and Morris brands. The model branched out into several versions with the name Austin Mini at its side. Years passed and term Austin was dropped leaving name Mini as its known label. It becomes popular not only in Great Britain but also around the world.

The Austin Mini had gone through different updates and had made many variations from the time it was launched. A year after it was introduced, they have released a pick up version of the Mini. Afterwards, a luxury line under the Wolseley Homet and Riley Elf badges. An athletic Mini version was also made and had been successful in several rally events. The Mini Cooper S become the first sports car version of the Mini which was created with the help of John Cooper.

Unfortunately, every legacy has its end. New modern models were released diverting the attention from the Austin Mini. Eventually, the sales of the Mini collapsed and the production was finally stopped in 2000. But after a year, MINI, as its new brand label was resurrected with the help of BMW. Today, equipped with a modern style and up to date features, the MINI's legacy continue to lives on. Serving as the prototype of all the roadworthy front wheel drive crop of vehicles on the road today the British Austin Mini soldiers on.

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