Obstacle Racing Needs To Be Seen in Gym Class

By Rob Sutter

If you're anything like me, you were probably bored out of your mind when it came to gym class. While there's no question that there are athletics to speak of in this regard, sometimes the variety of sport tended to repeat itself more than it should have. I can't begin to tell you how many volleyball or badminton games I was part of before I couldn't take another minute of it. Obstacle racing could potentially serve as a fine alternative during class.

I'm not someone I'd consider terrible at sports by many means; I had an average level of skill when it came to athletics. I think a good majority of my problem rested in the fact that we played the same games time and time again and I was not the kind of child who enjoyed repetition. I wanted to be able to play something new and it was difficult to come across something that seemed even marginally unique. Maybe there are kids today who feel the same way.

As I grew up, though, I started to learn about events like Spartan Race which anyone could take on. It was surprising to me, at the same, to see that these people would stop at nothing to win, no matter what terrain stood in their way. When you consider this, obstacle racing is easily one of the more interesting concepts that I had seen in quite some time. I have to ask myself this, though: would my high school be able to fully grasp this concept?

When you were in high school, did you feel like there were one too many rules stopping you from going about your life? You might see them as bothersome but they are set in place for a reason. What if there's a torrent outside? Racers are still going to want to take on the storm and perform in these races, no matter what kind of situation they'll be in during it. These schools have to look out more so for the health of students than their levels of enjoyment.

Schools have their own sets of rules which they must follow but even still I'd believe that obstacle races would have been a lot of fun. Sports which seem to entail precision aren't the ones for me yet the ones which involve pure exertion work well for me. While playing baseball may go over my head, I can run around a track with decent times to my name. When considering this, these events would probably make the most sense for me to use.

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