Examples Of Bible Scriptures On Life

By Jennie Sandoval

God controls the activities of all living things. He is the one who created the plants and animals so He deserves the sole privilege of instructing His creatures on the proper way of living. These standards are contained in Bible scriptures on life. By following the examples and instructions cited in these scriptures, man can learn to please God and increase his blessings. Whether you read the Old Testament or the New Testament, you will find a lot of these verses in the Bible.

Jeremiah 29:11 is a word of encouragement to those who feel like quitting from the Christian faith because of different kinds of troubles. The verse is saying do not quit because he cares about your welfare. God is faithful and He will never let His children to be afraid.

Christians are also expected to live in total reverence to God. This instruction is contained in Romans 12:2. This is about renewing the mind constantly and not living according to the standards of this world. This is because the standards of this world are implemented by the devil and God does not want His children to follow him.

Sometimes, it is difficult to predict what God is about doing. It is therefore necessary to follow Him one step at a time. In Romans 8:28, He encourages everyone to trust Him because everything He does is for good. He will bring everything to fulfillment at the right time.

In Matthew 5:13-16, God gives practical examples of what His children should be like. For instance, He says Christians should be like salt, which gives taste to food. In addition, Christians should also be the light of this world. As light, they are meant to lead people in the right path and avoid any form of deception or discrimination.

According to Matthew 6:33, those who are alive should first seek God's kingdom and be eager to do the things He likes. The second part of the verse indicates that His blessings are automatic for anyone who is born again and interested in pleasing Him. The idea in this verse is similar to what is contained in Job 22:21.

Those who think they might have been born mistakenly should better have a rethink. According to Jeremiah 1:5, God knew everyone even before they were formed in the womb. In fact, the scriptures further emphasizes that God knew man and destined him to be great. You cannot say your life is an accident because He is responsible for the breath you have.

There are some Bible scriptures on life that discourage Christians from thinking too much about their survival. Things like what to eat, what to wear, where to sleep and what to drink are God's responsibilities and He has promised to take care of these needs as long as you depend fully on Him. An example of such scriptures is Matthew 6:25. God who gave you life is definitely able to provide everything to support you.

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