The Simple Rules Of Building Muscle Mass

By Russ Howe

So you want to know how to build muscle without getting lost in all the jargon that usually comes with asking any trainer or instructor? You're in the right place. We're going to show you the fundamental rules of creating a lean, muscular physique in this simple walk through guide.

Better still, we're going to teach you in a way that you can actually understand everything!

As a fitness instructor I think that the number one problem in the fitness business is poor communication. For some strange reason, many trainers feel they need to give themselves a pat on the back for their knowledge by needlessly making fitness out to be some kind of rocket science. By over complicating every little detail they lose their clients in the shuffle and the fact is they cannot get results because they don't know what their trainer is talking about half the time. In today's article you'll get no jargon, enjoy it.

So if you're goal is to pack on lean size you're in the right place. The following rules will help you.

The first rule is sleep. If you fail to get enough sleep you'll be holding yourself back without even realizing it. That's the thing with these rules, they're a lot simpler than you think. Many of them, including this rule, are things you can literally correct right now. Try to get around eight hours of sleep each night whenever possible.

Supplementing the fact that your sleeping is now in perfect working order for gains in the gym you should now be looking to ensure your body is getting enough rest. You can't grow if your don't let it happen, after all. The next time you see somebody training every day and wondering why they aren't seeing results you'll know why it's happening. Don't let it happen to you.

By the time you actually hit the gym you'll already be on your way to improving your results if you apply the first two rules. When you get to the gym you need to lose the silly approach of not really focusing on any particular type of training. In order to enjoy maximum hypertrophy (growth) you need to aim for eight-to-twelve repetitions in order to get best results. It's a system you cannot go wrong with.

In terms of which exercises work best the basics are all you really need. We need to put the focus on compound movements such as bench press, squat and shoulder press in order to stimulate maximum growth from all the major muscle groups. There is little point spending 25 minutes working the forearm when you could do a full intense workout in that time.

Diet is also critical. Incredibly, most guys assume they can just drink a protein shake and it'll be sufficient. It will not, of course. We're sure that when you say you wish to build a bigger physique you don't mean piling on the weight and becoming fat. Your diet needs to reflect your goals no matter whether you're trying to lose weight or add lean mass.

If you've been sat there wondering how to build muscle and finding that every time you try to find the answer you get lost in the conflicting advice and confusion which is prominent in the fitness world you now have the basic rules to success. These rules will help you to reach your goals and, better still, you didn't have to pay a personal trainer!

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