Keeping Up With The Latest Bible Prophecy News

By Lynn Beard

To understand the bible, a person will have to understand prophecy. A prophecy is basically the prediction of a future event that is going to take place. Many people believe that many prophecies have already happened and that others are soon to come. When it comes to the latest bible prophecy news there will always be debate amongst people.

From all of the prophecies that have happened already, the most popular one is the coming of the Messiah. In the Old Testament, there are many predictions of Christ coming. One of the most popular scriptures is found in the book of Isiah and states that a virgin will be with a child, will give birth to her son and will name him Immanuel. Believers waited for generations for this to happen and it finally did.

When Israel became a country once again in 1948, another biblical prophesy came to pass. Ancient Israel was destroyed by their enemies a long time ago and the Israelites became scattered around many different nations. People waited for thousands of years but eventually the prediction did happen.

In the book of Micah, it is told how the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will become a very important thing to the whole world. This can be seen as already have passed or in the works now as the city is looked upon as the most important in the world by Christians and Jews. The book of Isiah says that Israel will fill the world with fruit. Again, the nation is a top agricultural products supplier.

Many things that lead up to prophecy are current events that happen in the world. The Anti-Christ coming is talked about in the bible, and many people today are expecting him to rule the world soon. Many believe that he will be the devil in the flesh and that he will trick the world into thinking that he is God. He supposed to rule the whole world, and almost everyone will worship him.

This Anti-Christ will be a powerful guy and most suspect that he will come out as a politician of some sort. Many people follow news that goes on in Israel and other biblical nations. The bible predicts that many bad things will happen, but these things only lead to God's people spending eternal life with him.

Many other prophecies have been fulfilled and many have not yet. There are also many events that were foretold in the bible that are in the works today. In the book of Revelation, it talks about the two witnesses who will be here on earth and how the whole world will see them dead on the street. This used to seem like it was impossible because there was no way that everyone could see these two witnesses at once. People in the past did not understand how this could happen. With the invention of television, it is easy to see how this is possible.

If you want to keep up with the latest bible prophecy news there are many sources for you to do so. There are any biblical websites that keep up to date and follow current events. They also will let people give their opinions and share their knowledge with others about what is going on.

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