Useful Tips On Clark Fork Fly Fishing

By Tanisha Berg

Patience and skill are required for one to master the art of fly fishing. The choice of flies is the first step and always requires one to know what they are going for. In choosing flies, the characteristics to be considered are size, shape, color and action consecutively. Action is an important consideration in the case of stripped flies. When the water in question is salty, action will be more important than both size and shape. For people who live in Clark Fork fly fishing can successfully be done if certain tips are followed.

The construction of a fly will determine whether it floats above the surface, rides partially or is completely submerged. It is natural that fish expect sources of food to be in specific parts of the water column. Therefore, if the fisherman knows where this section is, it will be very easy to make best selection of flies. The colors of flies are also crucial. During early spring, late fall and winter, the flies tend to be darker.

The flies can be impressionistic or exact imitations. How effective they are depends on selectivity of fish which in turn depends on availability of food, pressure of fishing and conditions of the weather. For trout, almost two-thirds of their food consists of subsurface food. Even in the case of dry fishing, one should know the nymphs, larvae and crustaceans which are found below the surface. This will help greatly.

It will also be very important to know how to stalk the fish. They need to be approached from outside their cone of visibility. The approach needs to be done from behind or in case it is to be done from the front, the fisherman needs to stay low. This is because heights of objects get exaggerated from the perspective of fish. Fish that are submerged are able to see one from much further than those that are closer to the water surface.

Just like they are sensitive to visual warnings, fish react fast to sound and vibrations. One should walk lightly on the bank and wade while taking care not to push water. In water that is salty, fish are scared by noisy or rocking boats. When prospecting in fresh water, one should fish the close water first. People make the mistake of casting over fish in the excitement of making a long cast.

It is possible to learn to see fish under water by learning the way a fish that is released swims away. This is helpful as it offers clues on parts of fish that are visible. Before any casting is done, it is recommended that one watches the behavior of fish. It will help in determining the timing of their rises and what they could be feeding on.

By watching the behavior of fish, it will be possible to put the right flies on the water and ensure they arrive just when fish begin to look upward. Learning the behavior of fish is more important in salty water. It will be an essential recipe for success.

For those planning to fight big fish, they should first learn how much pressure they can put on a fish. This can be done by tying the tippet to a fence post or any other stationary object. The line should then be reeled tight, followed by palming of the spool then pulling hard without breaking the tippet. These among other useful tips will ensure successful fly fishing.

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