A Study Into Latest Bible Prophecy News Today

By Mona Moody

The bible is full of prophecy regarding the end time church. This is mainly found in the books of revelation and the major prophets. In this day and age, there are many variations of interpretations but the bottom line remains that the end times are here. The latest bible prophecy news in the US for example, are indications of a falling world and a warning to all believers and non-believers alike.

One example is the recent softening of stand by key Arab nations regarding the borders of Israel. This is especially in Gaza. In scripture though, Arabs are one of the last groups of people who will freely favor Israel in any political stand. This has been interpreted before as a platform for the new world order of peace.

Additionally, the nations have agreed to make the border passable. The nations of the west and the east are finding good ground working together. The US for instance has held a relaxed look at the Uranium factories in Iran despite swearing to close them down before.

The pope is also set to visit Israel shortly and receive briefings from the Jewish Rabbi. This tie will be seen by critics as a strategic move to strengthen the influence of Vatican City to the east. Further, this move will be seen in scripture as prophesied, that there will be unity of all peoples at the end of the times.

The most horrifying law that has been passed from the legislature allows trading of morning after pills to teenagers. The teenagers will be allowed to buy the drugs from any store with no special permission or medical prescription. This is gross considering the age bar has been placed at fifteen years. The government has in an indirect way enforced law that promotes perversion and irresponsible sex to young mind, as predicted in scripture.

It is shocking to note that scientists have announced the most deadly disease is not HIV anymore. The most deadly disease will be a new variety of gonorrhea that will kill even more people. Scripture talks of diseases and pestilences on the last days, which is what we are seeing in news briefings.

The recent surge of wars and disastrous activity is also a fulfillment of prophecy. The disastrous effects of war are mentioned in scripture as wars and misunderstandings of the end times. Nations are rising against nations. However this is deftly covered by plastic intentions to promote peace in affected regions. For example the bomb that US has released to Syria has made catastrophic ends on the chain of misunderstanding.

These facts are a sharp indication of days we are living in. They are surely what the prophets of old have talked of in the scripture. The latest bible prophecy news are things we see every day but are not able to interpret. We are advised by the bible to be as wise as the serpents yet as harmless as doves. It is for every christian to see the signs of the times and the reality of bible prophecy.

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