Camping Survival

By Patricia Clark

Camping not only is a fun and interesting experience, it also provides people to be close to nature and realize how truly beautiful nature is. Most people, even those that are accustomed to living life in the city, wants to experience the joy of camping and enjoy the feeling of breathing fresh air, enjoying the natural shades of trees and the view of different plants and flowers and as well as taking delight in experiencing the calmness of nature's environment.

Success and enjoyment of your camping trip depends largely on proper preparation and planning. People who are planning to go on a camping trip, either beginner or veteran camper, should make sure to do proper planning and preparation to ensure that your camping trip will be an experience that is both fun and enjoyable and will not turn out into a horrible camping experience.

Reminders that are important to ensure that you will survive your camping trip successfully:

-Checking the location and area which you are planning to do your camping trip is always necessary to ensure that the place is not only safe but also for you to know what resources are readily available in the are hence, you will also know what you need to bring on your trip.

-To avoid getting insect bites and possible skin allergies, it should be remembered to know what proper clothes to wear on your camping trip. Aside from that, wearing long pants is advisable to avoid scratches that may be caused by grass and plants in the camping area.

-Research on what weather condition is expected on the date of your camping trip, that way you will be able to know what clothes to prepare and what type of shelter you have to build. Aside from that, knowing what weather condition to expect during the days of your camping trip will also give you the opportunity to know if there are storms and natural calamities that will strike that location. Thus you will be able to cancel your camping trip if necessary.

-Be sure to bring along sufficient supply of food and beverages on your trip. Aside from that, it is advisable to bring foods and beverages that can be easily prepared and not difficult to bring.

-Be sure to plan the activities that you are going to engage in once you are on your camping trip. doing this will make you manage your time properly and prepare the necessary materials needed for the activities you wanted to do.

-Bringing along clothes both for warm and cold weather is necessary since there is still a chance that the expected weather is not accurate. Bringing along two sets of clothes will help you to ensure that you will have proper clothes to wear whatever the weather will be.

-During your camping trip, there is a possibility of experiencing any untoward situations or accidents, that is why it is always necessary to bring along your medicine and first aid kit. This will help you provide basic first aid application in case there are accidents while you are on your camping trip.

Proper planning and preparation is the key in camping survival. One will be able to enjoy and have fun while on a camping trip if all things have been properly planned and all materials have been prepared appropriately. Not only is proper planning and preparation necessary for beginner campers but as well as those that are doing camping often.

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