Choosing A Premade Bug Out Bag For Sale

By Amanda Baird

When you are searching for a premade bug out bag for sale, there are several things you should ensure are contained within the bag. Many people decide to create their own bag, but you can find great selections of bags that are already stocked. This will save you a lot of effort in putting the inventory of the bag together. You made find included items that you hadn't thought about if you were constructing your bag from scratch.

The idea of a bug out bag comes from the military use of a Bail Out Bag which was grabbed if the soldier had to bail out of an airplane quickly. There are many other names that are applied to these kits. Other than a BOB (Bug Out Bag), they are also known as GOOD Bags (Get Out of Dodge); 72-Hour Kits; Battle Boxes; PERKs (Personal Emergency Relocation Kits. You might also hear them referred to as INCH (I'm Never Coming Home) Bags, Go Bags or Grab Bags.

The reason for having such a collection of items in easily available form is to be able to move quickly in an emergency situation. Often the 72-hour window is all that is required before short term evacuees are able to return to their homes, or to make other sheltering arrangements. The contents of the bag are intended to provide minimum survival items for up to 72-hours. The type of emergency typical in a certain area would dictate the contents of the specific bag.

You should make certain that the bag is made of strong and durable materials. It must hold a number of items securely. Water resistance is important if you are likely to evacuate during a storm or flood. The bag and contents should be manageable in size and weight by the person who will be carrying it. One popular choice is a back pack type bag.

Choosing the right sized bag for the person carrying it is important. You must be able to lift and carry the weight of the items inside or it will be useless to you in an emergency. Durability of the construction materials is crucial.

With a premade bag, you will get the basic items that would be appropriate for a fast evacuation. You would get items such as food, clothing and shelter. You would add to these contents an inventory of things that would allow for more comfort and perhaps for starting over. The latter category might include items such as cash, documents, prescriptions and an evacuation plan with maps.

Comfort items include soap, feminine supplies, first aid, light sources and similar goods. If there are children, elderly or pets involved, there are additional needs which will be included. These items can be added to the initial bag.

When you need to start with a basic bag, selecting a premade bug out bag for sale is a good foundation. It will get you to thinking about the necessary components that you would require if you had to leave your familiar surroundings quickly. It is important that you know which items are in your kit and which items you would need that are not included in a standard bag.

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